"The Artists Studio" in Vero Beach
"Jehovah's Witness at my Door"

Fred Hunt painted his studio in Vero Beach, working title "Jehovah"s Witness at my Door" in early 2005, finished just before Hurricane Wilma hit and destroyed the studio, swept it clean of the Kolinski brushes he'd cared for since his school days at Ringling, and photo gear etc etc. So what remains from the studio are the bronze heads of Leslie (one was stolen since, more on that in another blog post.) In the painting we see these two bronzes. Today Fred put patina on them and said "That's what's been missing, I painted them that way" A revelation?

Fred Hunt's paintings were in my care during the hurricane at The One Ear Society, in Coconut Grove. The title for the above painting came from the fact that the ladies of the Jehovah's witness group interrupted him every Wednesday like clock work. So he just painted them in. You can see them at the bottom of the steps, through the screen door with pamphlets in hand.
Mr. Hunt must have a good sense of humor!!!! He also must be very polite for the JW ladies to have continued visiting him every Wednesday!!!!
Very interesting artwork. But what are those things on the ladies' noses?
Hi Fred, I'm a Jehovah's Witness in Tulsa, OK. I love this painting; you handled the subject so sweetly. Thank you.
And your brushes . . . I'm so sorry you lost them. I googled 'Kolinski [Kolinsky]Brushes' and learned that the making of them is an art form in itself.
I am an artist of sorts, too (writer and cake decoratoring artist), and I know how it feels to lose important tools. But your brushes, I don't have a clue how it would feel to lose instruments of such importance, and that I'd cared for since youth.
I hope you're not too down-hearted about all that you've lost, and that you can continue with your with your work undaunted.
Phyllis Moore
Hi! Fred, I'm not an artist but I do love painting too, just to let you know that I realy feel so happy and proud that you painted the most important job in one day of a JW, which is going door to door. I see that it is a honor to GOD'S name. "JEHOVA" it seems that you are also helping spread his name to others too. Good Job!! Thanks for the message!
I am happy you considered these ladies as worthy of being remembered in your painting. I too am a Jehovah's Witness. I find it a testimony to our Creator that we can see beauty around us, and "some" of us can capture it. I hope the loss of your brushes does not deter your painting.
Rachel K. Calhoun
Hi Fred,
I'm an artist and one of Jehovah's Witnesses. For both of those reasons a found a strong connection to your piece. Sorry about your studio and your home. Keep up the good work! Ray Stewart
Am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and an artist, also. Appreciate your posting this very pretty painting. Fred painted a patina on his sculpture so he may have a new studio. That's good news too, if so.
Very interesting to see the beauty in this painting;however what is even more interesting is did he ever study the truth?
You have a beautiful talent & gift..imagine your talent in the New Paradise Earth..Why not,ask the lovely ladies how this can be..Martha :)
Loved your God given talent & Thank you for using Jehovah's Witness as part of your art..imagine your artistic talents can be in the New Paradise Earth..why not ask the Witnesses to how this can be...sure it will be worth it...Martha
Hello Fred,
I too love the way your painting shows the constancy of the witnessing work, our sisters know who they are and all focus goes to Jehovah's name.
Perhaps a follow up painting could be that the two people upstairs come down and answer the door.
If they did paintings of Paradise could be an endless source of joy to this home and every home. The Jehovah's Witness ladies have a "picture" that everyone needs to see.
Olá, sou do brasil e achei ótimo o trabalho.
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