A chance discovery of artist Bernard Sejourne and I'm in love. What do I see, wonderful strokes that flow, a man who loves women. So if someone says come see my etchings maybe you should go. I went up to his hotel room. This is how I found the treasure trove you will read about soon.

Periodically we get students in who are in a humanities class at one of the local colleges. The questions spill What, Why, explain this tell me about as they take notes.. Here a chance encounter with a real artist who is earning her living doing what she loves, even if it's not on a canvas at the moment. Art is everywhere some people like to be surrounded by art and commission mural work, faux finishes and artist Trish Jesselli is doing just that.

Art delivery "and you want to be my latex salesman" $500,000 in art doesn't seem possible, but it is. Who commands these prices? Dead artists. So, how are you feeling. There is a joke about an artist who wore a T shirt stating he was feeling poorly so in no time he might expire and of course the purchase of his art would be priceless upon his demise.

Photos of outside our gallery
1st Sat. of the Month Coconut Grove Art Stroll. That was the day available and Coconut Grove took it. Now we know why it was available here in Miami. During this transitional time we get busier than at other times of the month. Change out of art, end of month books, inventory, etc.. We find ourselves doing things so that we can survive in this business. Some of it is setting up in shows that might not have an immediate return but don't count those out. Have cards of your work or gallery and cross promote. It takes just one person to make the difference.
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