Success Story - Sale
Artist Linda Apriletti
She has been working extremely diligently. Her day job is as an accountant. I have to tell you, of all the artists I have worked with she is the most dedicated. She has free time, she paints. She makes time to paint! She invests in herself: she takes workshops, saves her money and plans vacation time to coordinate with workshops with artists she admires. To be honest, I know of no other artist this passionate, other than my husband. So, I admire artist Linda Apriletti a great deal and am delighted to have her in the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery. She also listens to advice which is given freely and implements them. As her background is business she has the advantage of handling her art as a business. Does things we tend to be to busy to do. I advised her when I thought it was time for her to paint larger pieces and she did.
She keeps me posted, here is something she sent me and I am glad to share and let other artists see.
"I just had a great sale today. The "elevator man" as I call him (he's seen me in the elevator in my building bringing a painting to my office or back home now and then) came to the Palm sale the past 2 sales, this last one with his wife to show her my work. She liked it so they made an appointment and came to my house htis morning. And went home with 5 paintings, and a 6th on loan to see if it fits on their wall. The largest was the 20x20 Palm Island with the backlit cloud for their house in the Keys, the others ranged from 10x12 to 8x10 to group around the larger painting and to save for gifts for their children. The man loves my paintings and was telling some other people I'm the next "Beanie Backus". They were going to buy a large photo from Clyde Butcher and instead decided they wanted my paintings instead. If they have room, there's a likelihood of another sale of an 18x24 or this brand new painting 2
4x20 that I painted this week.
She has been working extremely diligently. Her day job is as an accountant. I have to tell you, of all the artists I have worked with she is the most dedicated. She has free time, she paints. She makes time to paint! She invests in herself: she takes workshops, saves her money and plans vacation time to coordinate with workshops with artists she admires. To be honest, I know of no other artist this passionate, other than my husband. So, I admire artist Linda Apriletti a great deal and am delighted to have her in the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery. She also listens to advice which is given freely and implements them. As her background is business she has the advantage of handling her art as a business. Does things we tend to be to busy to do. I advised her when I thought it was time for her to paint larger pieces and she did.
She keeps me posted, here is something she sent me and I am glad to share and let other artists see.
"I just had a great sale today. The "elevator man" as I call him (he's seen me in the elevator in my building bringing a painting to my office or back home now and then) came to the Palm sale the past 2 sales, this last one with his wife to show her my work. She liked it so they made an appointment and came to my house htis morning. And went home with 5 paintings, and a 6th on loan to see if it fits on their wall. The largest was the 20x20 Palm Island with the backlit cloud for their house in the Keys, the others ranged from 10x12 to 8x10 to group around the larger painting and to save for gifts for their children. The man loves my paintings and was telling some other people I'm the next "Beanie Backus". They were going to buy a large photo from Clyde Butcher and instead decided they wanted my paintings instead. If they have room, there's a likelihood of another sale of an 18x24 or this brand new painting 2

Congratulations to Linda, your work is outstanding and you deserve much success! Thank you for sharing this successful artist story AnnaMaria. We need to hear more of these ;-)
Congratulations Linda. Wonderful story.
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