One Ear Society

The Blog of the One Ear Society


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gallery Representation

Getting there for ART Basel
I am always on the look out for new work, fabulous artists who will help me make my gallery more successful. We should have a symbiotic relationship. I don't expect you to go back in my archives and read what I had to say, even though the information is plainly stated and valuable. I have artists come in daily looking for it. Gallery representation is an important topic. Why pick Windisch-Hunt Fine Art? You do not know me, as a matter of fact, I have never seen your here before. Have I made my point? I do portfolio reviews every Saturday (not during ArtBasel please). You should also be looking at Miami Beach galleries or in Wynnwood. Now is a real good time. After Art Basel most galleries disappear. Here is what I want from you when I take my time to visit with you: One portfolio, one original work of art, a CV, and a "thank you for your time" a week later. I find I'm assisting those artists who have the time to say thank you and stay on my radar.


Anonymous Monica said...

My gratittude to Fred and Ana Maria for being who they are. Yesterday, was the third time I stopped by their Gallery. Always I feel a driven energy because of the affection, inspiration and knowledge they share with me. I am pretty sure that is the way they are with everyone that stops by. It is a blessing that they can enlighten your day.
Monica Gonzalez Bo

11/22/09, 7:09 AM  

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