Transitioning into ARt Basel mode
Every month we go though a change up, but during this time (Nov. Dec.) we consider it a major transition as the competition in Miami gets stiff. Here in Coconut Grove at Windisch-Hunt Fine Art we take it personally. We don't get the crowds even though we are on the water and are part of Miami. The lucky thing for us is we are surrounded by five 4 star hotels all less than 7 min. strolling distance. So it stands to reason that if somethings goes wrong it will, and that just happened and it was funny.
I've had a leak which we discovered did not come from our space but from the Mayfair House Hotel above us. As we do monthly shows it's difficult to schedule a good time to have the work done, the same for the Hotel. Well we are transitioning and gaining one week because of Art Basel so we have workers tearing out a 8 ft. section of our gallery. I moved my desk area to the other side of the gallery and had not had the time to complete the move. ( I have something every single night for the next 5 nights and none in the gallery) One of the workmen said something to me, I neither speak Creole or Spanish so I just nodded after all her does our windows. I took a break for coffee with Fred Hunt to discuss our move to the Coconut Grove Bank's Event this evening. Something special for their large depositors. I look over and the workman had put everything that was left not tied down in a large trash container. My bills, my list of last months participants, print outs that are numerous. my shoes, DVDs, my change of clothes. amd some actual trash. I guess using LOL is appropriate here.
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