One Ear Society

The Blog of the One Ear Society


Friday, October 30, 2009

What is a day off

A day off is not always what it seems. One artist left some work when he found he could not get all his work into his vehicle. I offered to meet him half way as I was heading up to Lake Worth for a joint City Commission+CRA meeting (community redevelopment agency).We met in the parking lot of the meeting. Made the transfer and made an inquiry about some artists and gallery there. They knew of the gallery but not the artist in question. The meeting was arduous as most are. Attend in hopes of seeing progress right in front of your eyes. Well at the end, it is a case of make a motion to address this motion, revisit it one month and at the next meeting another lets see. If you don't follow Roberts Rule of Order it becomes a mess. There are few parliamentarians left.
The presentation, Lake Worth has an "artist overlay district" but it is not recognized. They are aware they have a large blighted area. Artists to the rescue! The vision is to bring in artists and develop a premier art colony. The timing could not be better for this venture. Lake Worth has gone though some severe changes and could benefit artists who are willing to uproot.(who else is crazy) How to kick start? They hired a consultant and he and I met several months ago and talked about bringing artists up there and where they will come from. LW has the good fortune of owning a building and getting $700,000 from the CRA to renovate. The building was assigned to the Palm Beach Cultural Council, a noble act. It does not stop there as there is always more to the story. The artists in attendance brought up a valid point. Cultural Councils on the whole do not service the individual artist but art organizations. Great point. The vision is to bring artists into the blighted area. I've looked at the property and it is in close proximity to everything. Lake Worth is quite small 20 blocks N from downtown and 18 S. It is so important to always ask the right questions in these meetings otherwise it is business as usual. The city has and owns abandoned homes and needs only to identify them. Now why that has not been done or why they do not have the numbers is amazing. I spoke of that to the CRA more than a month ago. They were to have those for this meeting. Again it is about communications from one department to another. Everyone was aware that the city has abandoned properties. They identified seven *7. Driving around the area and looking into the PB County Property Appraisers index, this number is only the tip. Put that into the pot with the bank owned properties, practically a third the community is now up for grabs. If the CRA talks to the banks and allows them to do the right thing, give the CRA some of their holdings for tax credit or deduct part from government bailout repayment, Lake Worth could be a contender. Last stop Starbucks for ride home, a call from Art Serve in Ft. Lauderdale to collect art work that was on exhibit they are open till eleven pm .they facilitate other organizations who are using the space for rehearsal. During this day I also found time to do my laundry at the local lavanderia. You learn so much about a community by hanging out there. Sorry no photos from there.


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