Leonard King, I in my Nevelson T- shirt Richard R. and Sheri Friedman The end of the month usually means a change out. This is what is going into the gallery next door and I am so glad to see something new there, so that we all have a great 1st Sat. Art Stroll in Coconut Grove. The LLK gallery next door is featuring Neet Nevelson, yes indeed she is the
granddaughter of Louis Nevelson. I just happen to be wearing one of the T-shirts she painted more than ten years ago I have approx. 20 or in my collection.
Last day of June. Can't believe I haven't kept up. I know I've been busy but then what did happen these last days of June. The camera, my sidekick documents my daily encounters. A habit I picked up as a Cruiseship photographer on NCL. So lets see the photos. I do edit heavily.

Here we have
Ewan and Iona with their mother Myrna Hennessy and all the way from Australia
Everard Fenton on his walk-about in Florida.He stopped long enough to experience a Grove moment. His version of the painted coconut was an aboriginal cricket ball. The character with the bandanna is
Coolqueen who dreamed of painting a coconut. Yes this was the last Saturday of the painted Coconuts. I will be glad to get the gallery back to normal. As much as I am glad to see it all gone, I have to admit, I am always delighted when I see true talent. We had people in who never picked up a brush and had no preconceived idea of what they were about to created, some of the most beautifully painted coconuts. My dilemma now is do I hold back? I do not want to let go of some of them?

A wonderful turnout at Focaccia Rustica, The "Breakfast with the Artist" is always looked forward to, a win win for both the artist in this case we showcased and honored Valentina Ramos, and for Focaccia more people than normal for a Sat. morning. We enjoyed a surprise guest, Maui Reple of GAIA gallery of art from Holland. The galleriest who visited the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery and accepted my invitation to meet some of the artists over breakfast. I believe there were some solid connections made, it pays to be bilingual.
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