Throwing a big shindig is not as easy as it seems
Things happen when a multi tasker like myself takes on just one more thing.
You panic, you wonder why you do it all or you leave it to the universe and let it go.
This was such a week. Anxious to fit everything in I went to a Wednesday meeting on Tuesday, nice way to start of this week.
Tuesday: a blur now.
Wednesday: attended Arts and Business Council meeting on how the hospitality industry and we can survive in today's economy. The example set fort was the Adriane Arscht Performing Arts Center, one of the newest U.S.venues in Miami.
Books and Books Coral Gables location
They are doing trade, out and out trade no cash involved. Their partners are hotels and restaurants. "Have cocktails with the performers," bring a mini performance on site as a preview.
Sounds a lot like what I've already initiated with my "Breakfast with the Artist" which I created as a new venue to get the exposure for the artists in the gallery and it benefits the restaurant on
This was a challenge as the work was so diverse and not themed. Represented in this show are
Jerry Wade next to AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt galleriest
A call went out to the participating artists of the Summer Salon, to come in and assist, there is always last minute things that need attention.
This was such a week. Anxious to fit everything in I went to a Wednesday meeting on Tuesday, nice way to start of this week.
Tuesday: a blur now.
Wednesday: attended Arts and Business Council meeting on how the hospitality industry and we can survive in today's economy. The example set fort was the Adriane Arscht Performing Arts Center, one of the newest U.S.venues in Miami.
Sounds a lot like what I've already initiated with my "Breakfast with the Artist" which I created as a new venue to get the exposure for the artists in the gallery and it benefits the restaurant on
a not so busy time. A true win win.
New businesses in the arts community were there, Culture in the City was represented and many of the South Beach Hotels and of course all the performance based not for profits. I do believe I was the only galleriest represented. I've belonged to the Arts and Business Council for many years and to the NY based one as well. Later that evening , 3 to 9 p.m we set the new show with the juror Cuqui Beguiristain.The artists invite friends, the gallery notifies clients who expressed interest in the artists work and they come together in a quiet atmosphere and get to know each other over coffee and croissants .Breakfast with the Artists at Focaccia in Coconut Grove
The Arts and business Council was a worthwhile meeting, I met representatives from the various hospitality groups who I will be doing business with, like finding just the right artist for their venues and one of my sculptors is already being considerd for a new hotel.
This was a challenge as the work was so diverse and not themed. Represented in this show are
Pauline Goldsmith, a botanical illustratorDebra Cortese, "Cortese Design, Mango Blue Tote Bag"
who's art translates into the fashion industry, here one of her creations. She also was able to do trade for photography and model.Mano's mixed media on paper
Mano, a latin artist with his own gallery, also benefitted from this get together of creatives. and Jewelry designer Sandy Edie, a very diverse come together.Trina Collins "Nude against blue"
It was more difficult to jury than normal an exhibit and the task was left to Cuqui and myself to make sense of this managerie.This took six hours, when finally completed, she left satisfied that we did the very best. Moments after she left. I called her. I had discovered, that the exceptions to the rule, the two photographers who left their work prior to submission were left in the corner and left out of the show. Nothing to do but tackle it the next day.Thursday: now not only the scheduled cleaning but the show so carefully put together had now to be redone and rehung. This took altogether three more hours we are now into nine hours for the hanging. This for only half the gallery. I have to deal with Fred Hunt's work as well in his own solo space. His hanging a bit easier. In trying to be helpful he had removed all his work from the gallery into storage so I had to determine which of his works of art wouldbe showcased and which would be better seen at a later date i.e. the Mermaid show coming up in July which is a special blowout to have fun on this 4th of July opening.Left side of gallery Fred Hunt's space
So back to the current "Summer Salon." Here it becomes difficult, my take on things are different from Fred's. And so it goes in a artist /muse relationship. He refers me in Jerry Seinfeld fashion: "And you want to be my laytex salesman!
Artists come out of curiosity to see how they are displayed. One artist came in and very politely questioned technicalities regarding the placement of her work. That is not what I needed just then. The last say so of the way a gallery is set is with the galleriest who knows where the lights are which works best to benefit in difficult situations.smallest entree by Valentina Ramos 6 x 6 inches
You have too large works or too small, those find a home first as they are considered outside the norm. Each participant had three works juried in and each piece has to have just the right spot. This is not always true. even in museum shows.Another day gone. Oh the unthinkable -- my internet service was down this and in this day and age is a dilema. I still had to send out gentle reminders this had to be done in the middle of the night from my laptop.Friday. First stop was for coffee at the Bookstore in the Grove and to use their wifi, I didn't know if I was online yet and was not about to take that chance. So I had coffee and watched the e mails fly off the screen and on to their destinations. Here I am with Jerry Wade, taking advantage of the bookstore's free wifi.
We had made another exception , one artist was out of the country so once again the work arrived late, and the hanging for the entire show had to be reconsidered once again.
Another few hours spent rehanging.Photography by Nedra G. Goldhoff
We had one lone artist show up and help clean the mirrors in the gallery while I swabbed the deck so to speak when you see this photo you can see how immense this marble floor is. One more component to the exhibit was a full fledged fashion show!We have been taking reservations all week the turn out should be spectacular if the weather holds out. It has been raining each and every consecutive day for the last 22 days. We have had the good fortune that we have had free publicity via our friends Debra Cortese and and of course the daily Coconut Grove Grapvine. for more stories of this event.participating artist Lynda LaRocca trying out the runway
Debra showed up to help daily, how does she do it, she is obviously a multi tasker. Always ask somone who is busy you will have the best results.
We also have a musician who has offered to play for the evening and not to be left out we will end on a fun note a Gemini Toast for all the Gemini's who are part of this.
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