Well the gallery is not ready for show time but so much has to be taken care of. Wouldn't you know it, the artists who need to pick up their artwork did not fill out the paper work all the way at the take-in process. This exasperates me, there are professional artist making a living at selling their art and those who are not dependent on those means. I'm sure you know which they belong to. The above newsletter ( click on it to enlargeand read) is a new component and time consuming. It was electronically sent to over 200 artists, created by our intern Brittany. I used this opportunity to introduce the blog. Please feel free to make inquires and comment on any issue that is important to you. You can remain anonymous.
Our fourth meeting just finishing up it is 9:40 p.m. The Artbiz workshop is still well attended, thought it might have some absentees, not so. Every one is mindful of the other participants and much was discussed and agreed. We've set a date for our group show. The gallery was chaos today. Didn't have time for lunch nor to attend the networker even though it looked like I could do it all at least I planned to do it all. Sometime you get blind sighted. The end of the Month or should I say the 1st Sat. is of all days on the 2nd of May THIS Saturday which pushes everything into one week. The change out has to be taken care of. The normal month end business and the upcoming schedule for yhe upcomming months events. This month will be very busy.
We were honored to have our very first arrivals Theresa and Paul Naron try out our pink lemonade they came out for Bike Miami, then both tried my Trikke .
Sabrina and her mother enjoying our Mail-Art
Music filled the streets of Coconut Grove from the band at CocoWalk to the drum circle in front of The Bookstore in the Grove. Here is Artist Sheri Friedman of the Blue Moon Studio artists Mano trying out my Trikke which proved to be very ticky
Here is the blog star of Coconut Grove with his entourage all in style with the orange theme. See more images of this great day at. http://coconutgrovegrapevine.blogspot.com/ Today was a surprise. We had planned to participate with Bike Miami, however watching the four channels on TV this morning gave no indication of the sight that greeted me. Totally unexpected. 2 thousand bikers all wearing orange riding past our gallery. This celebration Bike Miami was coordinated to celebrate Hollands Queen Mother Juliana's birthday on April 30th. The present queen also celebrates her birthday on this day in honor of her mother. In Holland it is a custom to wear orange and drink orange liqueur. We offered Pink Lemonade. Next year we will serve orange juice, Floridas favorite beverage. photos by AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt, Tom Falco and Harry Emilio Gottlieb.
One Ear Society logo created by the same artists who did the little Debbie image of the Little Debbie Snackcake: the One and only Fred W. Hunt Fred was one of the original Coconut Grove members his now wife (moi) AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt was founder and director for its first 7 years. Fred holds the copyrights for this image. The original members all got t-shirts with membership, which will soon be reprinted for facebook members upon request.
Today's arrival came from our satellite One Ear Society artists in the Czech Republic. They are just forming their group. Thank You Yana Bem. Our Sarasota group via Jackie Vizzi is making it's appearance on facebook, which will limit participation to artists and art lovers. No you do not have to be one of the over 350 original members, it is open to all artists. I mentioned the One Ear Society in our very first introduction of our blog and how we have evolved. The book about the 7 years of the O E S is incubating. A tell all tale!
As usual it is a very busy here at the Windisch-Hunt Art Gallery. I've been connecting with editors of magazines and Fine Arts councils seeking new contacts and looking at new opportunities for the Gallery and our artists. I've been contacting the International media in anticipation for the POW WOW travel agents conference as well. We're very conscious here of the community and supportive of all that goes on in it, and we want to always be included in what goes on in Miami. We have a total of 5,000 cards printed for distribution, to be placed in all the Coconut Grove hotels and the Miami Beach Convention Center. 2,000 cards printed with this image of the gallery and3000 advertising an upcoming exhibition.
Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery
In other gallery happenings. We sell hand painted coconuts in the gallery for $22 each, and between $6-8 for shipping/handling costs. Now we've initiated a new interactive component for tourists where they can come and paint their own coconut for $12, not including shipping charges should they wish to mail them out from here. We're making more of an effort to reach the tourists through trade. AnnaMaria allowed me to write the press releases for the painted coconuts to go to the Florida and international media.
For the Sunday's Mail Art reception part of my job this week was to get out all the guest book email invitations, we have over 3,700 permission based emails. We always ask our visitors to sign our guest books and tell them to leave their emails if they want invitations to our openings. We have a lot of international visitors, but most of our emails are from the south Florida area ( the designated tour bus stop is right in front of our gallery :) )
The Children's House Montessori School sent in these wonderfully creative Mail-Art Envelopes. They all arrived today and the mailman was over the top with delight. I always get great service when envelopes such as these arrive. thank you so much I am looking forward to meeting each of you this Sunday from 2 - 4 for your special Reception.
We received a submission from an artist who is a detail oriented artist. Perfectionist would be an apt description. She mailed this card, very carefully executed. She took pains to match up the stamps to the image. It did not arrive and we waited with baited breath, it did not arrive. Uta took such pride in doing it that she decided she would produce another one. This one she also meticulously created just like the first, not taking chances she drew a canceled stamp onto it and laminated it and hand delivered it. No harm could come to this one. Not many days later I received a envelope from the Palm Beach Post Office, lo and behold, her card inside. It arrived via a detour to who knows where. Here they both are and now I have a left hand and a right hand. Thank you
"A career is born in public -- talent in privacy." - Marilyn Monroe
That is a true statement, and tonight to further implement the wise words of Monroe the Art Marketing seminar continues. The group is progressing greatly, sharing their ideas and goals for marketing their art work based on the book by Alyson Standfield "I'd rather be in the studio" .
Today I witnessed 3 artists being interviewed by AnnaMaria to see if they fit in with the Gallery, one was accepted, but great advice was given to them all. The only one that truly bothered me was one woman and her friend saying that AnnaMaria told her nothing useful in their entire 40 min talk, and yet what I heard was not only useful but important to know. I dislike the attitude that just because they didn't get into the gallery that doesn't mean she wasn't trying to help them and they made out like the whole interview was a waste of time. Do they not know how to take professional, and critical advice without being insulted? They're artists, as such you're bound to be insulted b/c someone out there won't like what you do but that shouldn't matter to you b/c it's your art.
I'll leave you with a quote by Ani Difranco from one of her songs called "Out of Habit": "You know art is why I get up in the morning But my definition ends there. You know it doesn't seem fair That I'm living for something I can't even define" As I interviewed the next artist I was not privy to the exit comments. The fact that they speak English poorly is a problem, however I felt we communicated. I recommended that they should or why hadn't they gone and looked at an area full of galleries specific to the Latin Market. The misunderstanding might have come from the fact I was interviewing one artist yet the other artist insisted at the end of the interview that I look at her only four images on her Ipod. I had two more artists waiting in the gallery. I refused and told her Tuesday is when I do portfolio reviews.
The last couple of days have picked up business wise, I saw the sale of a few paintings, and saw several people who are looking to decorate their new houses. But today I want to focus on one particular question, the question I get asked on almost a daily basis: How does one get their work into the gallery? Well there are several ways but one way is to not come into the gallery with all your paintings and try to leave them here when I'm here by myself and cannot approve of them for hanging. The last artist took over an hour of my time away from my tasks trying to convince me that her work should be in the gallery. I've been told that there is a proper process for all of this, that you come in at a certain day, try to get an appointment and then present a workable portfolio in a professional case, not one inch by one inch printouts on stapled paper or on your IPod or phone. "Wait a minute I have it on my ipod let me find it" is not acceptable. Then there was a mother of an artist who stopped by and she was unprepared and unknowing about what she needed to bring and ask (her friend didn't know what a portfolio was). Decorum is important when presenting someone. If I sound harsh it's because I was somewhat embarrassed for the artist because her mother walked in on her behalf, without her knowledge, unprepared, and was giving us a bad impression of this person. It's not just selling your work, it's selling yourself with your work unless you are completely absent from the process, and then it's the presentation others give of themselves and your work that is a factor in whether or not you sell a piece. I myself am learning to speak louder and be more outgoing as I'm a "low talker" (says AnnaMaria and Fred) and appear shy as a result. Since I've been consciously speaking louder I've managed to help make sales! If you think about your art, and the marketing necessary behind it then you'll understand that art as a business is multi-layered and complicated, just like the process that went into your work to begin with.
Tips for getting into a gallery: Come with your portfolio, but do not expect to be seen that day if you have not made an appointment. Try to make an appointment for a specific time on days when the gallery is open to portfolio reviews. Come prepared with questions, research the place a little before coming to any gallery. Visit the gallery at least once before you bring your portfolio to see if your style will gel with what is already in the gallery. And please remember that Galleries are a place of business, and many customers also need attention, so do not take up more than 10 minutes of their time when doing your first general inquiry. And last thing to add please support the gallery, come to events, promote it yourself, if you do get in it can only help you and your work.
We had a wonderful gathering of artists at Focaccia Rustica our own Coconut Grove bistro. It was almost like being in Paris on Rue Jacob. A family run business and they are so easy to get to know. So if you happen to stop there for lunch say hello to Daniel or to Dominique. Most of us have attended the breakfast supporting an artist before. One of the new attendees found us via Facebook and joined us. It is gratifying to find other artists who feel comfortable collaborating. We have "Breakfast with the Artist" every three to four weeks. We had a classical guitarist who was going to grace us but sadly his schedule didn't allow it for this weekend. We did however have the pleasure of Jerry Wade reciting his poem and the response was just pure joy.
Congratulations Jerry, well done. Our own Grovite Jerry Wade performed at the Bookstore in their 6th Poetry event. This was his first appearance and he read an original work based on what occurred that very day at the Dunken Donut shop on US 1. Coconut Grove. In his introduction he gave AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt credit for encouraging him. As he recounted the story of what happened in almost complete iambic pentameter, AnnaMaria started to type. The poem is truth and raw inspiration.
I got back unexpectedly b/c of a photo gig I have tomorrow morning, and couldn't stay away, I'm not one for idleness. I popped in today at the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery and had some coffee with AnnaMaria and Fred Hunt. Then we got down to business and sent out invites to the Breakfast with the Artist. The gallery has been very busy today, lots of guests, and one artist brought her family in to view her work. It was nice to get a face with one of my favorite paintings in the Gallery called "Bone Fishing." She didn't appear to be an artist at first, when she and her husband walked in I thought she was a socialite come to buy a painting. AnnaMaria asks me each time she sees me "Where is your sketchbook" as I have yet to show her one, it's not that I'm overly shy it's that my memory fails me on many occasions (I wish I could claim jetlag but I can't). Right now my endeavors outside the gallery are photography, mainly fashion photography but I have done some travel photography that was published in a European coffee table book called European Journeys. AnnaMaria had me address copyright issues on photography today, it is imperative that as artists we respect each others work and right to that creative property no matter how insignificant it may seem. It's very disrespectful to each other as artist's if we cannot even trust that our intellectual/creative property will be called our own. On a personal note Fred surprised AnnaMaria and I with milkshakes from Johnny Rockets, very tasty, they're right across the street from us if you're feeling peckish.
This plexi was a challenge to photograph but this lovely little French Madamoiselle by the name of Noelie happen in and was kind enough to hold it so that we could see it's transparency. The inspiration for this work came from Louis Comfort Tiffany stamps. Audrey recreated the stamp image on plexi in instead of glass and used the stamps on both sides. She even drilled a small hole on one edge so it could be displayed. Thank you Audrey This Artist is Alicia Bruner:) Orlando Fl. She happen into the gallery one weekend with her parents she loves art and galleries. I explained the nature of this exhibit and said that if she would like to mail something in that I would definitely hang it, it is now part of our exhibit here. We have been told that a class of Montesori students will also be submitting and hope to make the deadline. We know how Alicia feels about our environment. She along with many of our other artists have expressed their political views.
Foccacia Rustica is a small French bistro in the heart of Coconut Grove. This venue has proved to be productive for the artist on several levels. The hanging and size requirements challenge the artist and the location brings in a clientele that may not wander out for each and every nighttime art opening. Focaccia Rustica has been the artists' friend from the start. Through this small bistro, sales have been made, one artist found herself invited to mount a one woman exhibition at a well known gallery and many friends have been introduced to one another over coffee. The breakfast is an inexpensive dutch treat affair. This Saturday April 18, 10 a.m. will be my affair. The work as you can see is small and tourist oriented, my Flip Flops are my bread and butter art. I've sold two pcs. to date at Focaccia Rustica. A good way for artists to see how it functions is to attend. For all artists this is your open invitation. Via one of these breakfasts I met Holland, who came to support an artist friend of hers from a figure drawing class. Getting to know her was pleasant and we followed up with studio visits. I extended an invitation for her to showcase her work in this space. She is now working on putting together a cohesive body of small art. If you read this and you're in the area this Saturday morning come join in and have "Breakfast with the Artist". It is a place where you can hear and converse with any number of people at one time over coffee, croissants, or your choice of breakfast. Hope to see you there. Focaccia Rustica is located at 3111 Grand Ave. Coconut Grove.
The Press Release mailed to Florida Newspapers NOT in ordinary envelopes! The Windisch-Hunt Gallery of 2911 Grand Avenue proudly presents an exhibition of Mail - Art.
The reception is from 2-4pm on Saturday the 26th of April. The show will run until May 23rd afterwards it will travel to Andrew's Art Museum in North Carolina.
The art of correspondence has a long history, some say it began when Cleopatra delivered herself in a rug to Caesar, gods are dedicated to the delivery of mail. Mail art, as all forms of art, has been instrumental in furthering political and social causes such as fair trade, revolutions, and Abolition and beyond with realistic, comic or satiric flair. This exhibition showcases the thoughts and imaginations of artists all over the world, giving us perspectives on life, art, politics and society that are unexpected, candid, and some intellectually provocative. There are pieces from Seattle that show a bold commentary on the state of the economy, the President and the banks of America that seek reprieve from their own financial crisis to vivid illustrations of fantasy from Germany. A beautiful red shoe arrived pushing the envelope. An entry by Lilliana Dones who is current Grove Chamber President, submitted a work she created 30 some years ago titled "29 cents Later." Another young artist with a different aesthetic is Marlene Perez who did delicate ink drawings on her watercolored envelope.. Most of the work, however, comes from mature artists. Frequent winner of the Graceful Envelope Contest sponsored by the National Letter Carriers Assoc. is Gloria Eckart calligrapher created her envelope around a postage stamp.
For more information please contact: AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt awindisch@mac.com.
If you would like to submit your own Mail Art to the gallery for the exhibition please mail to: Windisch-Hunt Fine Art 2911 Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove, 33133.
Pali Csaba Budapest Hungry
Keith Buchholz St. Louis Mo.
Peter Netmail England
Debra Cortese Miami
Michel Yernaux from Belgium
TuesdayEvening at the Windisch-Hunt Fine Art Gallery Coconut Grove
L to R Adriana Dominguez, Jerry Wade, Monique Lassodij and EllenWellens came early and gotthe nuances of what is FACE book. It was our goal to learn to use this social media. As it happened it was mentioned in the news almost daily this past week. We are right on the learning curve with the nation.
Intern File: Press Release Day/Salon Second Meeting
April 14th 2009, we mailed out the press releases for the Mail Art reception today, using colorful handdrawn envelopes. We hope more and more people come to the gallery and see all the wonderful Mail Art we've received. We even received another piece today all the way from Belgium. Here is moi, the intern, and the delivery man holding the new work that came all the way from Canada. Tonight was the second night of The artBiZ Coach seminar, The Artist's Marketing Plan, led by Debra Cortese is based on the book by Alyson Standfield "I'd rather be in the studio" . The group is doing great and learning a lot about the art business and how to network their way through it. More than 20 people showed up tonight, and here's a shot of the group in action. A better group photo we shot will be featured on the coconutgrovegrapevine.blogspot.com.
Today an artist swooped into the gallery and wanted to know if he could leave work here. He has his own gallery on South Beach but the traffic is no longer there. His name is Alexander Gore and is of Russian origin. He not only paints on canvas but Belgium linen. At the moment 3 of his pieces are going in our Gift Shop for a trial period.
AnnaMaria and he have two things in common. They are both from another country (AnnaMaria Windisch-Hunt is Hungarian), and they both bought their cars outright with money earned from their personal paintings. He is an artist with a very positive outlook on life, he said "I don't believe in failure, this or nothing else for me." I love the passion.
Today AnnaMaria sold one of her paintings as well as her mermaid Coconut. We are surrounded by coconuts in preparation for the International POW WOW which is an annual travel agents conference that is meeting in Miami this year. The connection between coconuts, ART and Coconut Grove will leave a strong impression on the minds of these travel agents.
Fauxberger Eggs Bigger than life. The Swarovski® crystals sparkle in our sunlit window and draw a fair amount of attention from everyone who passes. I couldn't resist at least one photo with kids. The coconutgrovegrapevine blog did a feature on them, and as often happens the artists name was left out. Chris Fowler is the talent behind these creations. These eggs have drawn their share of attention not only by the little ones but serious lookers too.